Web Stats 2.0: Me Likey Clicky ~ Ask The Admin

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Web Stats 2.0: Me Likey Clicky

Take a look at the graph to the left. Does something look unusual about yesterdays traffic? It seems we are BLOWING UP all of a sudden and we love it! Thank you for all your continued support. Yes we are talking to you - our readers! It is great to know people want to hear what we have to say! And thank you (strangely) for you birthday wishes (it's tomorrow - how did you guys know?? No that's not strange @ all, just a little frightening!)

So in honor of us breaking the 24,000 hit mark in one day, (blowing our previous record of 14,000 to shreds) we will be reviewing a new (well new to us) web stats service that runs on web 2.0 aka Ajax. For the non-technically inclined that means its the bee's knees.

In addition to being all purty like it handles a lot more data than StatCounter does (@ least for free). StatCounter caps us @ 500 lines (hits) to analyze at any given time. Don't get me wrong it keeps a running total but thats about it. And I feel that we have seriously out grown their service. So now that we are consistently breaking 2,000 hits a day and have seen HUGE traffic days we need to be better prepared. Enter Clicky...

Clicky was just as simple to set up as StatCounter (just a few simple javascript lines to add) and we were on our way to improved stat looking. Sounds technical right? The first thing that caught my fancy was the SPY tab... This is awesome you watch in real-time what your users are doing on your site. The data scrolls on by showing you entry points, exit points, how many actions were taken and so much more. I was already hooked at this point and it just kept getting better.

It turns out they have rss feeds for your stats! How cool is that? Now we can create custom applications that digest the stats and spit them back @ me in prettier formats. Then we found the GOODIES! Widgets Galore... I now see a Google map on my iGoogle page with where my recent visitors came from, and full on live statistics coming from Clicky!

Damn we really love our numbers over @ AtA!! So here is a link to sign on up for this great free service and they have a PRO service as well but we have not seen what it does just yet! Anyone using Clicky? Got a better free solution? Hit us up in the comments!
