How Do I Create A Backup Of My Entire (blogger) Blog? ~ Ask The Admin

Thursday, August 23, 2007

How Do I Create A Backup Of My Entire (blogger) Blog?

We don't want to be this guy so us Admins got to stay ahead of the game and back up everything. Never feel secure with your data in someone Else's hand.

Word Up!

So after Blogger was down I explored methods to mirror our data over to a free WordPress account. That should also help us get the logistics worked out for our migration in the near future.

Alright - I though cool I will learn the Wordpress system by exporting my blogger data and importing into Wordpress. Easier said then done...

No backup button from Blogger.

I looked around quite a bit and this was the only solution Workaround I could find. I can't believe Google doesn't offer a backup solution -I mean a GUI easy scroll and click method.

They make it sound all scary and shit (scared people are gonna run if they can grab their data?) but, its pretty painless.

To make a long story short they tell you to change your number of posts on the first page to show all make a change or two if you are using the blogger comment system and BAM you have one html file with all your data. Save that baby and that's it.

Revert back to your original setup and go feel smug and secure. Here is the blogger official help file:

Blogger does not have an export or download function. However, you can use the
following instructions to create a single file with all your posts which you may
publish and then copy to your own computer for use as desired. Note: If you
intend to continue using your blog, please save a copy of your existing template
in a file on your computer as you will need to have it at hand after this
process is completed. []
