What The Hell Happened To My Task Managers Tabs and Options? ~ Ask The Admin

Monday, March 17, 2008

What The Hell Happened To My Task Managers Tabs and Options?

A reader from Idaho was seriously freaked out after a late night at the computer and sent us a picture of their task manager in a strange state.

They asked for their identity to be with held so here is a screen-shot of a random person's task manager in a similar mode.

Have you seen this before? Take a look over on your right. You probably have see it and had to idea how you did it.

This is what is called "Tiny Foot Print" mode. Don't worry its nothing to get all frantic about dude.

It happens by double clicking (usually by accident) on the gray border which we have so kindly dotted and pointed an arrow at for you in the picture on the right.

Here is the Microsoft KB article on it here. They say you can also hit, CTRL+ALT+SHIFT at the same time, and while holding them down press ENTER CTRL+ALT+SHIFT at the same time, and while holding them down press ENTER, to remedy your issue as well.

Hope that helps Idaho! Keep those question coming in!

We were recently written about in an Indian Newspaper (Mubai Mirror) and have been receiving 10x more questions. So please be patient! I will answer EVERYONE!
