See all your bookmarks, histories, downloads, extensions and more in a single pane with All-in-One Sidebar.

Combine all this useful information into a single sidebar. No more muss and fuss opening and closing sidebars to locate that info you need. We know AtA readers need their information fix real quick like. So just click any of its six icons to switch between the views. They also can give you site info and the source.
Hotkeys are available to switch views and control features, like you can open AiOS views in a tab instead of the sidebar. In short, it's just a really handy tool, the kind of thing you'd hope to find built into Firefox One Day (it's already built into Opera, which is where the author drew his inspiration).
All-in-One Sidebar costs nothing and works wherever Firefox does. And best of all this plug in allows for lots o' customization. AtA gives it 2 thumbs up!
From The Authors Site:
All-in-One Sidebar (AiOS) is an award-winning sidebar control, inspired by Opera's. It lets you quickly switch between sidebar panels, view dialog windows such as downloads, extensions, and more in the sidebar, or view source or websites in the sidebar.
Click on the left edge of your browser window to open the sidebar and get easy access to all your panels.You can set the orientation to left or right, set the minimum, default and maximum width and the behavior on browser start up. Furthermore AiOS provides enhancements for many built-in features.AiOS includes a slide-out button and a toolbar, all of which can be extensively customized. Enjoy a clear browser window, more toolbar space and much more... [AIOS]