weather 11235
Right now you can search for any local information by sending a query with your location or zip code like: "pizza 94025", you can get a stock quote with: "s yhoo", weather information: "w 94025", dictionary definitions: "d garrulous", horoscopes: "h aquarius", WiFi hotspots: "wifi 94123", and more are coming.
Though it may seem like a step backwards from the rich mobile-web based search that Yahoo! Mobile already has, it's actually just another � and one could argue faster - way to access the same data. What we've done is provide a number of search shortcuts that you can send to 92466 (YAHOO) to receive back a set of SMS Text responses to your query. This is actually very useful just by itself, and pretty much like most SMS search services out there. But we've gone one better by providing URL links in each text message which brings you back to Yahoo Mobile's richer WAP based web pages, with more details than can fit in a text message, links and maps. It does depend on the phone as to how easy this URL is accessed � on newer phones it may be underlined like in any web page, or for Motorola Phones for example, there is a "Go To" option which will find the URL in the message and use it automagically. But the option is there, and it makes SMS Text queries quite useful for the most basic and advanced users alike.
If you think about an SMS message form, it's very similar to a search box found already on Yahoo! Search. You fill out one field with your query, press a button and great results come back. Now you don't have to fumble with bookmarks or wait for the initial Yahoo! Mobile Search form to load, you can send off your search as fast as you can send a friend a quick text message. What's more, is that we've also included functionality to do the same search just by replying to an original response � say if you've done a stock quote search for YHOO earlier in the day, instead of having to retype the query again, just send a blank reply to one of the earlier quotes and Yahoo! will send you an update automatically. [YsearchBlog]