In honor of my second Mac certification course today I will be featuring a Mac Slash Pc question. Marky Mark needs to be able to attach a PC hard drive with NTFS partitions and transfer the data to their mac (where we will be connecting the drives). In the end we want to see that NTFS drive mounted on an OS X desktop for read/write access. Who's up for it?
Alrighty Mac Fans and PC Fans we can all come together and help Mark from Florida.
We are looking into something called MACFUSE but if you got some ideas or comments hit us up!
Alright screw you all here is the answer.
First get an ide to usb controller or some sort of way to make your drive "External" now follow this from
If you want to share an external drive between a Mac and a Windows machine, you typically format the drive with a FAT32 partition. One problem you'll run into, however, is that you can run into a file size limit if you're dealing with really large files. NTFS gets around this limitation, but unfortunately the OS X NTFS driver only supports reading from NTFS partitions._TheMacinAdmiN_
Thankfully, there's a NTFS Fuse driver which you can use with the MacFUSE userspace filesystem driver. It supports full read/write capability, so you can use an external disk to swap large files between your Windows and Mac machines.
It's a bit of a pain to install, but here's the quick rundown:
Download and install MacFUSE - Link
Just get the DMG file and run the contained installer.
Download and install Fink. You need this for obtaining and building the NTFS Fuse driver
run the installer within the DMG file
drag the FinkCommander application to your Applications folder
Get NTFS Fuse driver. You need to configure Fink to use unstable packages and then install the ntfs-3g Fuse driver. Open a terminal and run the following commands.
- /sw/bin/fink configure
- Use defaults, except answer YES to use the unstable tree
- /sw/bin/fink selfupdate
- /sw/bin/fink index
- /sw/bin/fink scanpackages
- /sw/bin/fink install ntfs-3g
- Reboot
- Mount your drive
- First, make sure it's unmounted in disk utility (Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility - select drive - click unmount)
- Make a mount point: mkdir /Volumes/ntfsdrive
- Mount the drive: /sw/bin/ntfs-3g /dev/disk2s1 /Volumes/ntfsdrive
- Replace /dev/disk2s1 with your external drive's device. You can find this in Disk Utility.
The last step is all that you'll need to repeat in the future to connect to your NTFS drive. After executing the mount command, the drive will appear on your desktop and you should be able to write files to it! []
Let us Know How It Works Out In The Comments!