We randomly choose our winner at the beginning of the week for our Nero 8 Ultimate Retail Box Giveaway. UllSang from Pennsylvania USA was nice enough to send us some unboxing shots of his prize. That was quick! Here is a quick blurb from our winner:
I am 21 years old male and I love technology and security from the Grand state of Maine. I am the Systems Engineer for a consulting/hosting company in Philadelphia, PA. I like AtA due to the breadth of stories and tips, especially the tips for System Administration, it makes my life easier, I particularly like the frequent topics on Open Source technology as many of the times I am able to use it as one of our services, for instance we are in the process of evaluation zimbra to replace our mail server for hosting(All cause of the article on AtA). Keep up the good work.
Thanks Nero for sponsoring the give-a-way and getting Ullsang his prize so quickly. you guys rock!
And don't be jealous! Keep up with our contests - you can still enter to win our 2gb crucial memory give-a-way with up to a 300 value. Isn't that nice of them?
Remember you should add your name to our mailing list to be included in EVERY contest we have! You can follow the instructions on each contest post for a 2nd or in some cases a 3rd entry into that contest...

Stay tuned for more contests and more exciting new offerings from AskTheAdmin. How does a video series of quick questions and answers sound?
Hells no!! Do we look like the rambling on boring the shit out of you? We will be injecting our geeky brand of technical humor in with our "Admin On The Street - Questions and Answers" series. Picture the Admin and camera man on location in and around Manhattan. We will be helping people with their computer issues and harassing people at the same time.

We will hit you all the exciting details as the project begins to shape up!