Quick News Break: Open source Zimbra to be bought out by Yahoo! ~ Ask The Admin

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Quick News Break: Open source Zimbra to be bought out by Yahoo!

So who's ready for Zimbra to go mainstream? It might just become reality. Looks like Yahoo is scooping them up for a measly $350 million.

We have covered Zimbra here and here, here and here. The first article is a link to their free test drive where you get the feel for their product. A lot of you guys and girls love Zimbra, How do you feel a

bout Yahoo's acquisition of it? Will they keep it separate or will they integrate 'Zimbraesque' feat
ures into their web mail? Well, Yahoo, just get back to us when you have finalized your Exchange killer - K?

This news comes to us at the same time that IBM and Google separately announce new and improved products to rival Microsoft's Office Monopoly.

It seems like everyone wants to throw their hat in the ring. What do you guys think?? Hit us up in the comments!
