When is a tablet not a tablet? Worth a laugh. ~ Ask The Admin

Saturday, February 23, 2008

When is a tablet not a tablet? Worth a laugh.

The review 2710p HP COMPAQ tablet was sent out overnight delivery. I was excited. I love opening the pretty packaging to look at a new machine. Truth be told I had been contemplating getting a tablet for a while now. I was shocked at how light and small it was. Check out how the convo went:

Me: Wow this thing is so much smaller and lighter than I expected. It's like the X1.
Wifey: That's not a tablet.
Me: No it's suppose to be the 2710p TABLET. There has to be a release here somewhere... What no touch screen? Do you have to configure it?
Wifey: That's not a tablet.
Me: Yeah it's not a tablet.
Wifey: Told you so.
Long story short I got the wrong machine and an I told you so about technology from the wife! Thanks guys :)!!

I wound up with the 2510p ultra portable. Which I might add is pretty sexy I might add. The machine was in the wrong box apparently and the 2710 is en-route Saturday delivery. Double fun!

I am still on the hunt for my dying X1. I am a slacker but it is still hanging on. I almost can't bear the thugh of breaking her down for parts. But this whole laptop / tablet mix-up made me remincse about the chick who put her finger through her Q "touch screen"!Sure glad I didn't try to make the screen turn by putting a little elbow grease into it :)!

Stay tuned for reviews on both machines! See ya when I see ya!
