MS Word Hell! Why does word keep closing on me or wanting to open in safe mode? ~ Ask The Admin

Thursday, May 15, 2008

MS Word Hell! Why does word keep closing on me or wanting to open in safe mode?

We got an email from our buddy Jay from and he was having some problems with Word 2003. It seems it is a pretty common issue and let's see how we helped him out.

Check it out below:

Hi Admin, I have a question for you - Word crashed on me, and now when I start it up, it says If I continue, I get the following: (Do you want to start in safe mode?)

If I choose No, I get the 1st crash message again, and the cycle repeats.
If I choose Yes, Word starts ok, but it's in Safe Mode.
Thoughts? Do I need to re-install office? Jay

Admin: What version is that 2003?

9 times out of 10 it is template corruption. I have A LOT of info about this issue. But long story short run winword.exe /a and see if it works.

This loads word without add-ins. If it works your is corrupted. Rename it normal.old and make sure word is closed down fully - restart if you are not sure.
Then start word normally - let me know how it goes.

You're magic, Karl. Worked like a charm. Thank you!! J
So what did we learn today boys and girls?

Your opens every time as your blank word document. By renaming it we forced Word to recreate it and then we were golden. Are there any other solutions you know of?
