Templates Browser Themes have MalWare in Em! WordPress & Joomla theme users beware! ~ Ask The Admin

Friday, August 03, 2007

Templates Browser Themes have MalWare in Em! WordPress & Joomla theme users beware!

Thank you Michele for sending this one in! Here is a big heads up to Wordpress or Joomla users that have downloaded custom templates from Templates Browser. Beware as they contain links to malware sites and other evil stuff you wouldn't want to expose your loyal readers too! WOULD YOU???

Thanks to Milo for giving me the heads-up concerning the discomforting news which targets WordPress & Joomla users.

Templates Browser is re-distributing public blog themes which are modified in such a way as to exploit the end user by inserting hidden spam or malware links. A quick search concerning the website pulls up the following links on AboutUs, Joomla forums, and Onnoot - here & here.

The links are inserted via an additional functions.php file which is included with
the theme downloads. If you’re shopping around for public themes, I strongly
recommend that you download directly from the original authors website.

Unfortunately, one of my own public themes - 5ThirtyOne V2 - is one of the
"dirty" themes that has been modified and is currently being

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