Flying Phones: Dash crippled and revived by the same insanity. ~ Ask The Admin

Friday, August 17, 2007

Flying Phones: Dash crippled and revived by the same insanity.

So, some of you read this post a while back about my dash refusing to read my memory cards. That got me so pissed off, I wanted to go back to the good old beeper days... What you probably didn't know was that same day I was speaking to someone and got pretty agitated and when I get agitated I talk with my hands. Long story short My poor little AT&T Dash went flying out of my hand like a Frisbee. It had a few scratches here and there but, it was working and I didn't think anything of it.

I also didn't want to associate that with the memory card not working. But today I was even more worked up then normal and my phone again went flying out of my hand causing my partner to duck as it slammed into the wall behind him.

I laughed... He didn't. He said "You could have taken my damn head off! Take it down a notch man!" I looked at it and said "I bet you my memory card works again..." He said "I bet that whole damned thing is all foxed up." Guess who was right??

If you guess that you wouldn't be reading this if The Admin was wrong, then you are correct sir!

My Dash is back to its wonderful self and i can stop carrying it along with its big brother the Wing. Which by the way, I still have not unlocked because my T-mobile demo sim is still working beautifully. So I hope this story brightened your Friday a little. The Admin's off to a wedding...
