Sell your gadgets without the worry of Craigslist and ebay scams/muggings! ~ Ask The Admin

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sell your gadgets without the worry of Craigslist and ebay scams/muggings!

Hey Folks,
I found a gem of a website in the foray that is our collection of internet pipes. Theres a new junkman in town, and they want your old gadgets/gizmos. The folks over at want your old stuff, from digital cameras, to GPS, to Cellphones. They claim to be the safest and easiest way to sell your old gadgets and consumer type electronics online. Their site contains all the credibility factors one would expect these days, such as BBB Online, and HackerSafe. They offer a nifty pricing calculator, which calculates the price that they can offer you to sell your item.
Interestingly enough, i saw a multitude of HTC products there, though i didn't see my 8125. I tried using their pricing calculator to price out the HTC S620, which if i'm not mistaken, is the Tmobile Dash. They ask you 7 questions regarding the accessories and general health of the device, and they calculated at $159 with all the options in the green. They also have the option of receiving your funds via paypal or paper check. Is this a fair price for a perfect Dash?
Altogether seems like a quick, easy way to sell stuff, provided your stuff is on their list, or in their database.
I'd love to hear from anybody thats actually used this site, although i think i'm gonna give it a shot with my old camera.
Let us know - Peace
Commodore64 (the one you played Bruce Lee on)