How can I try out Mac OSX on my Windows or Linux machine and a little Simpsons Rant! ~ Ask The Admin

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

How can I try out Mac OSX on my Windows or Linux machine and a little Simpsons Rant!

We just came across a cool site here:
that will let you try out Mac OSX. Its sort of like a basic demo allowing for Web browsing and emailing. The best part of all is this was created by a non-apple employee. Yup a fan boy and it looks pretty good.

Just make sure you don't use Internet Exploer to view it! HA!

BTW: Totally off topic has any one else heard that they made a bunch of 7-11's into Kwik-E-Marts from The Simpsons? Ohh Yeah its a promo for the upcomming movie and there is one on 42nd street in Manhattan.

I have a half-a-day today seeming tomorrow is the 4th (I hate mid-week holidays) so guess where I'm going. If anyone has any interest in it - I am taking my camera with me!