I just saw a Washington Post reporter who accidentally dropped his Blackberry in the toilet was able to retrieve it and dry it out to working order again: by leaving it turned off in a bowl of uncooked rice.
One of the commenters said:
For a better desiccant, it'd be a good idea to store all those little silica gel packets that come in anything from shoe boxes to moisture-sensitive gadgets.
I have had lots of experience with getting stuff wet that wasn't suppose to get wet. So a few rules of thumb are make sure the unit is in the powered off state as it dries. And try to get it out in the sun or in a warm spot to dry it off.
If the damage didn't happen initially on impact in the water, chances are it can be resurrected!
The sun, rice or silica gel packs all do the same thing and suck up that evil moisture and allow your circuit boards data to flow again.